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Mother Smiling With Newborn Baby

Laser Frenectomy

Does your baby have any of the following problems?

  • Inability to latch 

  • Un-sustained latched 

  • Slides off nipple 

  • Prolonged feeding times

  • Unsatisfied after long feedings 

  • Gumming or chewing on nipple 

  • Poor weight gain or failure to thrive

  • Colic 

  • GI problems and reflux

  • Gagging

Potential side effects of not treating a lip/tongue tie: 

  • Speech development problems 

  • Inability for proper bone and tooth eruption 

  • Tooth decay

  • Sleep apnea

  • Nutritional problems

  • Limited mobility and function of the tongue. 

Do you have any of the following problems? 

  • Severe pain with latch

  • Incomplete breast drainage

  • Plugged ducts

  • Mastitis

  • Cracked, bruised, blistered or bleeding nipples


If you or your baby experience any of these problems, your child may have a lip and/or tongue tie. 


Mothers often have pain when breastfeeding and the baby has trouble latching. It is assumed that there is something wrong with them, however, the baby could be tongue or lip tied. 

Some medical providers will tell you that tongue and lip ties do not inhibit successful nursing and that ties will correct themselves over time. 

However, the opposite is often true. Tongue and lip ties are not something your child will "grow out of" and they absolutely make breastfeeding difficult and sometimes impossible. 

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